Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Truth about Emancipation...

Emancipate: to free from restrain or influence; to free (a slave) from bondage. But who's emancipation are we talking about here? The answer is short, simple and probably disconcerting - mankind's. For whether he believes it or not, man is still very much a captive. No, we are not dealing with political or social emancipation here, nor that concerning racial suppression or slavery. True , these do need to be dealt with and are significant impediments to man's age long, almost instinctive pursuit of bliss, harmony and unity - the chimeric triune; but these are not the adversaries that stand in our way, these are not the roots from which man's problems arise. The point at issue lies in our perspective of our world and of ourselves. We are forcefully molded into acceptable, 'normal' frames of mind by a society that we ourselves molded in a feverish frenzy imposed by a habit that lurks deep in our genes. The fundamental laws of nature apply to us at present, only because we have unconsciously accepted her yoke. And the terrific evolution of the brain, that science says is the derivative of the urge to live as a society and thus increase the chances of our survival, has only drawn us away from our native virtues of divinity. (to be continued with every alternate post)